Perfect Puppy/Cat - Pillow / Bed / Cushion

Perfect Puppy/Cat - Pillow / Bed / Cushion

Goldilocks Natural Bedding has developed non-toxic small bed/cushion suitable for puppies/cats up to 10kg or 20cm paw to shoulder. Your puppy/cats will love their new comfortable bed. 

Our product is filled with KapoK which is anti-bacterial, chemical-free and lightweight. KapoK is water-resistant naturally due to its short silky hollow fibres, any spills or leaks will not soak in to the cushion. Simply remove the cover, sponge the cushion and place both cushion and cover in sunlight to dry. 

Cushion size is 50cm x 50 cm x 8 cm and comes with zippered removable covers, available in different colours. 

For maintenance, leave the cushion under the sunlight for a couple of hours every 2-4 weeks. It helps the cushion to puff back up and keeps it fluffy for your pets.


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