Therma Advantage Foil Faced Insulation Board

Therma Advantage Foil Faced Insulation Board

The ThermaAdvantage® foil faced insulation board provides superior levels of insulation while reducing heating and cooling costs. It combines the outstanding thermal characteristics of EPS with the high reflectivity and low emissivity (see explanation below) of foil producing a cost effective, space saving insulation.

Unlike conventional ‘between stud’ insulation, ThermaAdvantage® provides a continuous insulation membrane by covering studs and noggins, which can occupy around 15% of wall area. This large proportion of wall when uninsulated, promotes heat loss and gain, while creating other related problems such as dust encroachment into the interior living spaces.

ThermaAdvantage® provides enhanced levels of protection and security from severe weather over the entire lifetime of the building. It is one of a select group of insulation systems that meets the CSIRO Division of Building Research specifications relating to driven rain. ThermaAdvantage™ has also been awarded accreditation by the Building Regulation Advisory Committee.

In addition to its insulation qualities, ThermaAdvantage® can provide real benefits during construction by giving an early weatherproof envelope alllowing internal trades to commence work prior to completion of the external finish. This saves time in overall construction.


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