Zafu Meditation Cushions

Zafu Meditation Cushions

Goldilocks Natural Bedding provides a multi-functional cushion for yoga, meditation & massage. Our cushions are filled with KapoK fibre that is non-fumigated and chemical-free. 

Goldilocks's cushion is soft yet supportive for your meditation process. With Zafu’s large surface area, you will have more spaces for your activities (yoga, etc.) or for more people to sit on. We have created the perfect size, shape and sloping angle to enhance your meditation practice. You can simply roll it up if you want to carry it to another place or to your yoga class.

This cushion comes in 2 sizes:

  • Medium - 50cm from tip to tip x 18cm deep at back x 7cm at the front 
  • Large - 60cm from tip to tip x 25cm deep at back x 7cm at the front 

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