Overseas Places Of Historic

Significance to Australia

Overseas sites that have an extraordinary place in Australia's history are representatively accepted on the List of abroad Places of Historic consequence to Australia Heritage Directory's (LOPHSA).

LOPSHA was established on 1 January 2007 underneath the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

The list facilitates Australia to formally recognized and commemorate abroad spaces of maximum significance to the improvement of the nation in a way that is deferential of the privileges and self-government of supplementary nations. On their list tell the story of the most considerable parts of Australia's history that suggest itself external their borders, such as considerable events on the duration of wartime and position representing unexpected accomplishment by Australians overseas. Supplementary modifications to the EPBC Act passed by the Australian Parliament in December 2006 have limited the National Heritage List to places within the Australian jurisdiction.


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