iMetos - Real Time Monitoring using the Internet

iMetos - Real Time Monitoring using the Internet

iMetos is a new product line using the latest internet technologies to have real time access to field data.

It's all appropriate agriculture weather data are measured everlastingly and sent to the Internet climate database every two hours.

It only needs a valid GPRS contract with good GSM reporting in the area and a deactivated SIM lock to be operational.

Rechargeable batteries and a solar panel power the iMETOS station.

The Vineyard Shop - Australia's first "one stop" online viticulture shop! This site has been developed for the Australian viticulture industry - to enable those complicated in, or associated with, the production of wine grapes, to access information & services required to successfully operate their businesses.

The internet browser (Explorer) and your personal log in password to the site will get you online to data, reports and graphs observed in your own vineyard.

The Vineyard Shop to make sure that it meets the criteria we have set for ourselves - a "one stop shop" or a "single portal" to information you need to effectively function in the great industry you are occupied with.


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