Eucalyptus Fibre/stuffing/filler for cushions and crafts

Eucalyptus fibre is a plant-based fibre. Its exceptional natural characteristics for absorbency, hygiene and temperature regulation make it ideal for use in bedding.

Eucalytus fibre is an imported product and sourced from an reputable Australian Company. Eucalyptus fibre is a highly efficient insulator, helping to keep you warm in cool weather and cool in warm weather.

Eucalyptus fibre is naturally hypoallergenic, thanks to its natural moisture management characteristics.

Because it releases moisture so quickly, it is very difficult for dust mites, bacteria, mildew and other common allergens to breed in eucalyptus fibre bedding.

Eucalyptus fibre also has a remarkable environmental profile. It is extracted from fast-growing, sustainably forested eucalyptus trees.

Unlike cotton, eucalyptus requires little water to grow and thrives on marginal land unsuitable for agriculture.

Eucalyptus fibre is manufactured via a low-energy, low-emission process, using a non-toxic solvent that is continuously recycled in a ‘closed loop’ system.

This high-tech process has won many environmental awards, including the European Union Award for the Environment. Eucalyptus fibre is 100% plant-based and fully biodegradable – a true modern ‘wonderfibre’.


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