Zig Inge's Latest Creation

Zig Inge's Latest Creation

Zig Inge is a retirement village pioneer, having built his first development in 1979. His association with Austral Bricks and its sister company Bristile Roofing goes back to the days of Inge Bros,Which was very Popular for a quality Home green builders in1970s.

ZIG's latest project, Hunter's Green at Cranbourne on Melbourne's eastern fringe, is no exception. Explainations of Narcisse Toniolo ''Austral Bricks used gloss finishes but they believe the unglazed eco tiles look which is more natural,''.

The profile chosen throughout was a classic Marseilles. The tilers worked from three open packs, picking progressively across before stacking the eco tiles on the elevator to ensure a good blend of colours.

This is more critical because of the natural fired ceramic finish of the unglazed product But it is the standard blending procedure.


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