Slab Table 20 Formwork
Brief Introduction
TECON Slab Table 20 Formwork is a highly efficient and convenient system for medium area slab project. They can be transported to next position as whole table units whether by trolley or by crane lift.
* For any storey heights and slab thickness
* Fast in transportation and concrete casting due to pre-assembled table unit
* Thus save more than a half time & labor cost compared with TECON Slab Flex 20 formwork
* Can choose shoring props or towers according to different loadings and heights
* Well compatible with TECON Slab Flex 20 Formwork in irregular area
Technical Specification
* Basic unit sizes (width*length): 2m*4m / 2m*5m / 2.5m*4m / 2.5m*5m
* Main components: 18mm/21mm brown film plywood;
Main beam - H20 timber beam(EN)
Secondary beam - H20 timber beam(EN);
Fixed or swivel table head for option
Shoring prop - 10KN/20KN/30KN loading capacity with 2.5m to 5m open length, Hot dip galvanized
Shoring tower bros - 35KN/60KN loading capacity with extreme height, Hot dip galvanized
For projects where have slabs or ceilings with not too much columns and beams