The Owner Builder

The Owner Builder magazine was established in 1982 and has developed into a respected publication over the years. It provides authoritative and unbiased articles along with detailed technical content.
The aim is to cover as broad a market as possible, featuring everything from the strongly ‘alternative’ right through to the most up-to-date suburban projects. Articles are well illustrated with a combination of colour and black & white photographs, as well as diagrams and floor plans.
If you would like to build your own home, then you will need technical advice as well as regular inspiration and encouragement. A copy of The Owner Builder magazine every two months will provide you with all of that.
Topics are diverse, covering stone, mud brick, timber, straw bale, fired brick and concrete as well as many other materials and methods. Passive solar design, fixtures, fittings and practical hints are all included.   The Owner Builder is also a vehicle for owner builders to share their experiences with others; there are stories about the experiences of owner builders throughout Australia, and occasionally New Zealand and the rest of the world.  A subscription is only $38.50 per year (6 issues), which includes postage within Australia. Or you can pick up a copy at your local newsagent.  Overseas subscriptions are also available: AU$56 Asia Pacific, AU$66 Rest of the world.
Please contact us for more details.
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