A&S Bushcare Services

A&S Bushcare Services

A & S Bushcare Services came into extent in 1994 and is a business run by a family.

The bushland management services offered by the company are stated below:

 - Bush Regeneration

 - Revegetation

 - Assessment of bush regeneration sites

 - Erosion and siltation control 

 - Creek bank stabilisation

-  Weed removal and control

 - Environmental reports

 - Preparation of Management Plans, Reviews of Environmental Factors and Vegetation Surveys

 - Vegetation Survey & Mapping 

 - Specialists with remote area work

 - ROTAP & Significant Communities Assessment

 - Education & Training

 - Volunteer supervision

 - Seed collection 

 - Walking track construction & maintenance, including boardwalks, staircases, bridges etc 

 - Interpretative signage

 - Park furniture and fences

 - Landscaping


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