CJ Arms

A creative design studio who look to the resilience and beauty of nature to point the way.

Towards a Better Way of Life.

Their designs aspire to a regenerative future and a better way of life. Their understanding of natural processes and the traditional lore of indigenous culture allows their imaginations to flourish while creating design solutions that are well grounded in the physical and social sciences, and which always consider nature first.

Science and Design First.

A science and design-led organisation with solid and extensive engineering capabilities that underpin a collaborative and collective design and documentation practice. What they deliver is a truly unified product, robust and fully integrated and which upholds the age-old knowledge and customs of indigenous practice. Their many years in the construction and development industry mean that their processes are efficient and effective and are fully responsive to the ebb and flow of time constraints and the commercial realities of clients. Despite their extensive and broad experience, they don’t rest on their laurels. No project they undertake is the same as the last. Every single project is a chance for them to improve the status quo of design and to rise to the challenge of creating a better future for people, communities, and the environment.

Most people sit inside their comfort zone, at CJ Arms they get to sit outside it.

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