East Africa Safari

East Africa Safari

Ngorongoro Crater is judged by many to be Africa's jewel in the crown and is habitats of the variety of wildlife, as well as the highly-endangered black rhinoceros. We spend six days in through the Gecko's adventure tour and preservation areas, guarantees that our game viewing experiences are hard to believe and different. We also let time to take in more game activities - by foot or on mountainbikes.
Through this you have the chance to interrelate with the children who are special, in Kenyan orphanage and at Tanzanian school, including meeting with several tribal groups. We travel deep into stunning wildlife arenas, up and down at the Great Rift Valley, through highlands and tea estates, all along lakeshores and into customary tribal communities. We also take time to visit some valuable community projects that we support.
By taking part on Gecko's adventure tour you are already supporting two admirable causes: 
a) The East African Mission Orphange in Kenya 
b) The School of St Jude in Tanzania.
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