Cleantech ventures features capital fund management which is focused on investments in companies developing clean technologies.
Cleantech, or clean technologies, are technologies which generate superior commercial benefits to customers whilst simultaneously addressing significant environmental concerns such as global warming water scarcity, water qality and waste.
Clean technologies are emerging as the enablers of the modern industrial society, the next and necessary wave of venture innovation is a natural resource constrained world.
Although the environmental benefits of clean technologies can be significant, the primary drivers for investments in them are the commercial advantages offered by the technologies to underpin their successful commercialisation and quality returns for investors.
Australia has a strong technology and skills base through universities CSIRO, Co-operative resarch centre and industry and is recognised globally as being a centre for innovation puching well above its weight on the world stage.
Significant opportunites exist for new technologies that provided solution to the worldwide structural changes that are under way to address global warming water scarcity, water quality, waste and pollution.