Solar Power for Communities from Green Solar

During the past 25 years Australia’s carbon emissions have risen at almost twice the average rate. Per person, the nation's pollution levels are 4.5 times the global average. Our high level of pollution, per capita, is due to our over reliance on fossil fuels to generate electricity which accounts for some 40 percent of Australia’s green house gas emissions.

Green Solar Group specializes in providing solar power to communities. Both Government -owned and not for profit organisations, are replacing their fossil fuelled sources of energy with solar power systems under the Federal Government's Solar Homes and Communities Plan (SHCP).

The scheme provides generous incentives through funding rebates from local governments. Green Solar Group's "Planet First" programme helps community groups to install solar power for little or no cost. This is resulting in long-term savings on electricity and is assisting communities with their efforts to reduce global warming. Through the SHCP the cost of a 2kW solar power system is reduced by 50 percent and "Planet First" enables community organisations to raise an additional $5000; however the scheme is only funded until 31June 2009. 

Green Solar Group is also partnered with leading health club Fitness First, to develop "Planet First" to enables community groups to fundraise the additional $5000. Fitness First has agreed to donate 1000 ‘5 day membership passes at $5; the passes usually cost $75.


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