Innovative Recycling of Electronic Waste

Innovative Recycling of Electronic Waste

Here at MRI, we specialise in Electrical Recycling. In fact, we go above and beyond. Because not every single part can be recycled, we like to get a bit innovative and creative when it comes to what to do with the parts that cannot be recycled. 

Turning Electric waste into living art is one of our specialities. 

In 2006 one of our clients approached us with 60 clear acrylic Mac 17 inch CRT’s that he wanted to recycle. However, we did more than just recycle the monitors as usual. We thought that they could be put to better use. 

Our idea was simple - Why stare at that fish tank screen saver when you could have the real thing in front of you. With the help of Perspex and some fish friendly adhesives, we created an environmentally sound and eye catching alternative to landfill.

That's what we've been doing then - and that's what we're continued to do ever since. 

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