
Through patented designs, SolarVenti solar air collectors dehumidify your home to provide through eco filtration an excellent  indoor climate and an extra source of heat. The solar air collector is suitable for holiday and family homes, workshops, garages, cellars, green storage, boats, caravans, annexes, and museums etc. There are no running costs either for the user or to the environment; consequently solar air collectors are entirely eco friendly and use green energy.

Most new houses provide a good indoor climate by ventilation through fresh air ducts. But, the renewal of air in many buildings does not meet the actual needs of modern homes. The result is a poor indoor climate, that often generates health risks, dry rot in the walls, and damage to the structure of the building. Solar air collector dehumidification generates free, dry and warm air into buildings, is not connected to the main electricity supply, and needs no other source of energy other than the sun. Since 2002 Solarventi has installed more than 27,000 systems in 24 countries.

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