I-Net Lighting Control

1.Efficient, flexible lighting controls with powerful standalone and incorporation capabilities. Lighting controllers from TAC Pacific combine powerful processing, memory management, transportation and field input/output functions to deliver an array of efficient and stretchy lighting control solutions.

2.TAC Pacific is the fastest-growing, most original company in the building automation industry today. Our mission is to provide added value through building environment services for indoor climate, security and use of energy, delivered with advanced technology to end users and property owners throughout the world.

3.TAC's 7780 Distributed Lighting Control Unit (DLCU) provides high-density, programmable lighting control from a peer-to-peer, LAN-based controller.

4.Fully included with I/NET Seven security, environmental, and energy management control systems, TAC lighting controls blend perfectly into overall facility control. Lighting controllers from TAC offer a variety of features delivering the performance that's right for any integrated control system or standalone facility lighting requirement.

5.Flexible Functionality

6.Lighting control functions include software zoning, wink warning, telephone supersede, day lighting, usage accumulations, trending, and energy management. These functions can be executed locally in a standalone mode or globalize across the token passing LAN.

7. Lighting controls provide important capabilities that generate efficiencies in both facility operations and energy usage while delivering the capabilities users need.

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