Energy Efficient Window Tinting

Energy Efficient Window Tinting

Here at Wintint, we feature a large range of simple and cost effective solutions when it comes to controlling solar rays from entering into your home from your windows. We have a comprehensive range of Energy efficient films and they work like a charm when it comes to keeping your home cool and not too bright. 

For many of todays commercial and residential buildings, they would use glass to create spacious and light filled environments. However, this can cause problems when it comes to energy efficiency due to the unnecessary heat gain, along with increased glare. Too much sunlight can also cause premature fading of furniture and carpets. 

Our team here at Wintint have a simple and cost effective solution with our professionally installed energy control solar films - energyMF.

In fact, there are many benefits of window tinting. This will mean the rejection of heat, reduction of glare and block out of damaging UV rays.

Window tinting will also living and working areas more enjoyable all year round. This is because 80% of solar energy will be blocked and this will elimination any hot spots. With Window tints we guarantee that you will be ore comfortable and productive and whilst still able to enjoy your view of the outside world.

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