Carbon and Renewable Energy Services

Ecofund believes all organisations can respond to climate change. Whether reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and energy use, or voluntarily leading on sustainability issues, we can help you become part of the solution.

Ecofund’s specialised carbon and renewable energy services include:

•  National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) verification
•  Greenhouse gas inventories (carbon footprinting)
•  Verification and independent assurance of data in    accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER)
•  Energy efficient assessments (AS/NZS 3598:2000)
•  Access to domestic and international environmental carbon markets for mandatory or voluntary offsetting
•  Purchase or sale of other environmental credits such as large or small scale Renewable Energy Certificates.

To find out more about Ecofund’s carbon and renewable energy services, or to meet with a client manager, contact us today.


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