Compost Foodweb

All of the information in this section offered by Soil Foodweb Institute applies to compost made by thermal composting, by worm-driven processes (cold-composting), or by static composting. Differences in microbiology between these diverse ways of accomplish the same end-product, as far as the plant is talk about, are in The Foodweb in Compost book, written by Dr. Elaine Ingham. Please see our publications page for information about the book.

Mainly one of the three main reasons are responsible why Soil Foodweb Institute is use compost.

1. To insert organisms to the soil. This is not just bacteria, but fungi, protozoa, nematodes and frequently microarthropods. Compost serves an inoculum of all these organisms, if the compost is prepared suitably.

2. To add foods to feed bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and mocroarthopods.

3. To put in structure to the soil. Many composts enclose physical structure components like kor (cocnut fiber), clay, fiber, and chunks of wood. These impart physical structure that permits oxygen to move through the material. It is very vital to uphold these air passageways into the compost.


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