Climate Change & Sea Level Rise

Climate Change & Sea Level Rise

Here at Water Technology, we are one of Australia’s top leading coastal and environmental engineering consultancies. We offer professional services and expertise when it comes to estuarine, coastal and ocean processes, numerical modelling, planning and impact assessments, and coastal engineering.

One of the services we offer is Climate Change and Sea Level Rise consultancy. Here our capabilities and services include:

Coastal Hazard Risk Assessments, Coastal Process Studies, Estuarine and Floodplain Management Studies, Coastal Adaptation and Protection Works

To us, our coastal zone is an important national and environmental asset and it is also what makes the Australian lifestyle and economy so great.
Despite this, the excess population and infrastructure on our coastline makes us much more vulnerable to climate change - we will be more affected by the impacts of sea level rise and storm frequency.

Understanding this pattern is important to ensure long term sustainable planning and adaptation to climate change.

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