Marine Cargo Insurance

Marine Cargo Insurance

Cargo Insurance, Aviation Insurance, Marine Cargo Insurance and Road/Rail insurance are the types of insurance that fall under the broad term 'Cargo Insurance'.

The purpose of Cargo Insurance is to repay you for a the full dollar value of your shipment if the goods you are importing or exporting are damaged, lost or stolen in transit by air, sea or land.

Goods are damaged, lost or stolen in transit everyday so it is vital that you are appropriately insured by cargo insurance.

While some freight forwarding companies offer insurance, many limit their liability on the weight of the cargo.

This 'contingent' insurance regularly results in a substantially lower payment than the value of loss. The process of claiming can also be drawn out.

Cargo insurance is a specialty of SMART Business Insurance. Please contact us for a quote for your next shipment and a quote for your annual program.

Cargo Insurance
Aviation Insurance
Marine Cargo Insurance


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