Scythe lawn and slash weeds

We don't need the noisy polluting machines. With my scythe I do a better job than a mower, because; as I scythe I can remove flat broadleaf weeds like dandelion and cat tails, which a mower misses, I can scythe wet or dry without damaging the lawn, it's quiet and kinder to both the lawn and the fauna living in it and best of all there's no pollution!

My rates are competitive and you won't pay while I briefly sit to have some water and catch my breath.

As for weeds, again, you don't need a machine! With my scythe I can easily clear weeds around rocks, stones and wanted plants. I'm also able to safely access areas prohibitive for a man with a machine because of terrain or incline.

Still unconvinced? Well check my web site for demonstrations of my work.

I service the Sunshine Coast and Maleny region and am available for workshops and other events in and around Brisbane.


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