Green Bushfire Resistant Plants

Green Bushfire Resistant Plants

For many of our clients here at Wariapendi Native Nursery, they are on the look out for fire retardant plants. The main reason for the popularity of these types of plants is because of our Australian bush climate where bush fires are prone to our summertime lifestyle. Having fire retardant plants can be very beneficial to your safety as they can give you a small bit of bushfire protection for your property.

When it comes to bushfire planning, to should begin with identifying fire threats on your land and taking into account the availability of water and the build-up of dry native plants, dry mulch, fallen twigs, bark and leaves. 

There are many fire-retardant trees and shrubs that can be included in your garden and farm plantings. Most of these are plants with high salt or moisture content and a low volatile oil content in their leaves.

For fire-retardant plants, they are much less likely to carry fire - despite the fact that they do still burn. Also, they can they contribute to slowing down the fire by reducing wind speed, burning less readily and preventing the spread of embers.

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