Archibalds hair salon offers a specialised service to each client.
Archibalds uses its own range of chemical free shampoos, conditioners and styling products, that have been individually designed by salon founder Stanley Archibald.
Colouring Colouring is a creative process that combines the latest in technology with technique and natural form. We employ a range of organic and inorganic products to provide maximum vibrancy of colour, with shine and condition.
Cellophane Colour Shines This ultimate conditioning colour improves the quality, condition and shine of your hair (ammonia and peroxide free).
Restructuring With today’s technology, Archibalds’ team is able to introduce soft or dramatic waves and curls to your hair, enhance natural movement, maximise base lift, or simply add texture, volume and shape where needed. We use gentle solutions to offer relaxing, reverse curling, and softening of overactive natural curls.