Pangea Organics Egyptian Geranium with Adzuki Bean & Cranberry Facial Scrub

This dual-action scrub polishes the skin's surface without disrupting its delicate balance. Never harsh, drying or stripping, this Scrub is gentle enough for daily use. Enzymatic exfoliants work to dissolve expired skin cells while mechanical exfoliants gently free them up to be rinsed away. Raw, ground-up adzuki bean has been used in skin preparations for centuries in Japan. It provides gentle, manual exfoliation while its astringent properties help clarify and tighten pores. Both cranberry seed and geranium oil offer skin-brightening attributes, which assist with reducing hyper-pigmentation (dark spots due to sun exposure and past acne breakouts). The ingredients in this Scrub nourish the skin with antioxidants that scavenge free-radicals and optimize cellular function, resulting in more radiant skin and increased cell turnover.


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