Dentistry For The Elderly

Dentistry For The Elderly

If you're interested in Dentistry services for the Elderly or senior citizen, then Avondale Heights is the right place to go. We have a team of experienced and professional specialists in this area.

The thing with age is that as we go into the more senior years of our lives, we can develop some health problems which can lead to dryness of the mouth. Without adequate saliva, there will be an increased chance in dental decay. Hence it is important to have regular dental examinations so that these issues can be addressed. 

Tooth wear and sensitivity are issues as well. We now have a range of options that can help restore worn teeth and control and maintain sensitivity problems. 

We have many elderly patients wearing dentures. At Avondale Heights Dental Clinic we have had over 30 years experience in looking after patients with dentures. In fact, it does not matter if it's complete dentures or partial dentures, it is important that your dentures are regularly checked for fit and comfort. It is also important to realise that dentures need to be replaced every 5-8 years as there are constant changes in the mouth through gum shrinkage.

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