Flush Miser - Toilet Flush Converter

Flush Miser is a small brass gadget that you can easily fit yourself by lifting the lid off the cistern & sitting it onto the top of the outlet valve.

We show you how. 10 second job, no plumber, no mess, no renovations needed!

Once this eco home product is fitted it allows you to control the amount of water used each time you flush. So if only a small flush is needed just press and release straight away and you'll only use about 1 litre of water.

For most "other" things only about 4 litres is needed so just hold and count to 4. Or on those occasions when a really big flush is required just hold for longer, til the waste disappears.

Converts full and dual flush toilets and fixes leaking toilets too. Save around 30,000 litres per year, about 6 buckets per person per day and no need to lift and carry buckets of water!!

(Old style full flush use around 11 litres per flush, many dual flush use an 11/6.5 litre combo- we can reduce this to a 4/1 litre combo instantly)

Try Flush Miser and if you don't like it, return it for a full refund. Have a look on the web .au

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