Ceres is a New Zealand based organic, biodynamic and GE-gree food supplier company that believe in promoting sustainability of the earth and the people on it. Naturally developed products of the soil flourish in spotless, prolific soils. Developed as per Nature's cycles and aged normally, their actual regular flavor isn't covered up by synthetic compounds and innovations intended to keep up their corrective appearance or to speed their development. With organics there are no stunts: 'what you get is genuine good old flavor and goodness'.
Biodynamics was the first of the cutting edge natural horticultural developments that protected logical techniques in the utilization of yield turn, treating the soil, coordinated soil, harvest and bug the board and creature farming during the early twentieth century. Biodynamic horticulture is a natural and practical methodology that considers the wellbeing of the biological system as well as considers how the rhythms of the universe – the sun, moon, planets and stars – impact how plants develop, to put the rancher absolutely inside normal cycles. It utilizes a one of a kind arrangement of natural arrangements to charge and blend plants, fertilizer and soil. Ceres is the first New Zealand company to become EcoSocial certified.