Organic Pineapples

Organic Grocer: -It is an Organic Food Home Delivery Company which is situated in Sydney, Homebush. They provide only Certified Organic foodstuffs and Healthy Foods to the Sydney Metropolitan reasons and to the Central Coast. Their fresh product is based on hundreds of Organic Farms in the region of Australia and New Zealand.

Pineapples are inhabitant to Southern Brazil and Paraguay. They were enlarging by the Indians up from side to side south and Central America to Mexico and to the West Indies. These were exposed by Christopher Columbus in 1493 on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, and from there taken to Spain and then to other parts of the world. These are a combination of the Bromeliaceae family, which hold about 2000 species and are group of many flowers whose fruit-lets are fussed around a core. Each fruitlet has an eye which is the spiny part on the surface of the pineapple.

Following are some of the health benefits of pineapples:

1. It is low in fat and cholesterol.

2. One cup of fresh pineapple chunks provides 73% of the daily recommended amount of manganese.

3. These are an exceptional source of nutrients including calcium, potassium, manganese and vitamin C. It is also a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, thiamin, copper and dietary fiber.

4. It helps you construct healthy bones. As they are rich in manganese (a trace mineral needed by your body to build bone and connective tissue). Therefore pineapples can aid both in the development and intensification of bones.

5. This is good for fighting off coughs and colds. It has the same benefits as orange juice - even more. It encloses brome-lain, which has been found to help suppress coughs and loosen mucus.

6. The Organic Grocer's products we supply are of the highest quality available as we are based in the Certified Organic Market in Homebush and have first access to the freshest produce available on daily basis.

7. It can also be used to dissolve warts. The enzymes contained in the pineapple speed up the process of elimination of warts. The most effective treatment is to soak a cotton ball with fresh pineapple juice and apply it to the wart.


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