The bioavailability chlorophyll found in wheatgrass Company's juice can guard us from carcinogens (cancer causing substances) like no other food or medicine able to do. Studies in animals point out that wheatgrass Company's juice helps to decrease absorption of a variety of serious carcinogens (Zeigler, 1995). It makes stronger the cells, detoxifies the liver and blood stream and chemically neutralises the polluting elements in our environment.

Given that the liver is the major organ of detoxification in the body it is vital to note that chlorophyll stimulates and regenerates it. The juice contains the three compounds which helps the liver with this are:

The bioavailability chlorophyll found in wheatgrass Company's juice can guard us from carcinogens (cancer causing substances) like no other food or medicine able to do. Studies in animals point out that wheatgrass Company's juice helps to decrease absorption of a variety of serious carcinogens (Zeigler, 1995). It makes stronger the cells, detoxifies the liver and blood stream and chemically neutralises the polluting elements in our environment.

Given that the liver is the major organ of detoxification in the body it is vital to note that chlorophyll stimulates and regenerates it. The juice contains the three compounds which helps the liver with this are:


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