Introducing the ecopower® EP900 –Edmonds’ largest hybrid ventilator

Edmonds has launched the ecopower® EP900, making it the newest and most powerful hybrid ventilator of the entire eco power range. 

The ecopower® EP900 has an exhaust capacity of 10,000m3 per hour and a noise level of less than 50dBA. Greatly assisting in natural ventilation and passive energy techniques, this hybrid ventilator’s average power usage is 260 watts meaning reduced energy costs for buildings.
The ecopower range is capable of operating unhindered in natural mode, or in both natural and energy efficient mechanical modes simultaneously. In the powered mechanical mode, flow rates are three to five times higher that what is achieved in pure natural mode under normal ambient conditions, and recent tests show that strong winds can also lead to a reduction in power consumption. Operational costs are also up to 76 per cent lower than directly equivalent capacity mechanical fans.
The award winning ecopower range incorporates the world leading design of the Hurricane™ turbine ventilator in conjunction with highly energy efficient Electronic Commutating (EC) motor technology, which was developed specifically for Edmonds by ebm-papst of Germany. This technology combines the best of natural and mechanical ventilation – eliminating the lack of reliability surrounding natural ventilation – while addressing the common mechanical ventilation issues of high power costs and noise.
Michael Nolan, Product Manager of Edmonds Ventilation says:
“The ecopower® EP900 is designed around the globally successful Hurricane H900. With a throat size of 900mm, it offers excellent performance in natural mode and extraordinary performance in mechanical mode.”
He adds: “The latest EC motor technology has significant intelligent input capacity and is capable of programmable control using a temperature sensor, or even incorporation into building management systems. Other systems of digital control, such as gas concentration, can be used to activate mechanical mode.”
Since its launch, the ecopower® EP900 has already been used on two projects in Sydney and Brisbane. In addition, it has been specified for use on projects in Australia (including Brisbane Airport), the United States (including residential towers in Hawaii), and for power plants in India.
Edmonds is a world leader in the design and manufacture of consumer and industrial wind-powered ventilators and hybrid wind systems. 
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