Teachers Notes

Teachers Notes

This is notifying to all of the teachers:

1) There are many opportunities for first-hand experience and for the integration of a range of curriculum areas.

2) As topic waters it is a powerful vehicle for learning about an assortment of perception and concern contained by science, environmental education and social education.

3) Central Highlands Water organizing a program which gives information regarding the significance of Water

4) They frequently stop to think about water on the duration of flood and drought, so far water is an essential part of our every day routine - whether it be clean-up, drinking, cooking or working.

5) Ironically, sensitive about water that is often escort by lack of knowledge regarding where it comes from, where it goes and the way in which it is maintained by water authorities.

6) Water is a real-life theme and individual to which each and every children can communicate. The information, skills, values and procedures associated with the topic of water are assorted and considerable.

7) In the absence of water, there is no life. Simply a tiny segment of all the water on the Earth is drinkable yet, despite this, they can carry on to acquire this valuable source so much for established.


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