Micro vs Traditional Inverters

Micro vs Traditional Inverters

One of the questions we get a lot here at EnergyPak is "What is the actual difference between traditional inverters and micro inverters?"

Using a traditional inverter means that everything is wired in series. This means that the lowest performing module will determine the performance of the entire series. Traditional inverter systems will typically shut off during low light conditions - like the morning and evening or even during thick cloud cover. This is because of the fact that they require a minimum amount of incoming power to operate efficiently and properly.

Micro inverters however, eliminate this issue. Micro inverters allow each solar panel to operate independently and control the power from each with higher accuracy. This will result in a significant increase in the performance of the entire system overall. Micro inverters are designed to operate in real world conditions. That is, from -40°C to +85°C. They also achieve a peak efficiency of 94.1% for high reliability over the temperature range.

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