Three Facts about Solar Electricity for your Household

Three Facts about Solar Electricity for your Household

We are the Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions (BREAZE) - a non-profit grassroots organisation. We are passionate about not only solar, but other forms of Renewable energy and the environment. We are made of members of the Ballarat community wants to demonstrate that even small individual and community-based actions can make a positive difference.

We know that many are struggling about installing solar energy. Here, we give three simple facts to help you with your decision. 

1) Households can still do very well financially from installing solar power. That is, even though government's Feed-in Tariff that allow you to sell power back to the electrical grid have been reduced massively. All you really need is a system that is carefully designed to maximise the amount of power you use onsite and minimise the exports. All of which a good electrical can do for you.

2) Installing a solar power system on a brand new house and adding the cost to your mortgage repayments will actually cost no more than your electricity bill. What is even better is that once you pay the system off, you own an asset that will not only give you free energy (literally) but also has the power to improve the health of your lifestyle. 

3) Traditional Electricity Retailers are currently entering a "Death Spiral". This is due to more and more households and businesses reducing their demand for electricity by choosing Energy Efficient Appliances / Lighting and generating their own renewable energy.  This reduced demand forces the big Electrcity Retailers to put up their prices to pay for their fixed infrastructure costs.  The higher prices drive more and more customers to seek to reduce their demand or generate their own.

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