Knowing if you're paying the right Price for Solar Panels

Knowing if you're paying the right Price for Solar Panels

Here at Good Day Solar, we have a couple of tips when it comes to knowing the actual cost of the Solar Panels you are choosing. In fact, the price of solar panels can vary by a lot and the sad truth is that you won't necessarily be paying the right price for them. 

Here at Good Day, we only use solar panels with a 25 year warranty - and this is our first recommendation.

The type of solar cell can adjust the price as well. With monocrystalline ones, they are more efficient and harder to manufacture. Hence they are generally more expensive. When you analyse it, polycrystallines are less efficient, and hence less expensive. However, they  offer excellent value for money and are the most popular panels.

The panel size in watts – that is, the output of each panel, is another factor as well. Because most panels these days are priced at $/watt, the more watts per panel, the higher the price.

The final price altering aspect is the quality of the solar panel. There is a lot of variety in quality and cost in the solar panel market. We recommend you choose only reputable Solar Panel brands that offer 25-year warranties for your long-term investment. Any brands with who has just entered the market may not be as stable as those who has been here for a while. Reputable brands includes Suntech and Trina.

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