Save Money with an Eco Solar Pool Heater

Save Money with an Eco Solar Pool Heater

Here at Solar Splash, we believe the cheapest and greenest way to heat your pool is with solar. 

The benefits are numerous. You will not only get to spend more time in your own pool throughout the year, but you will also save up on a tonne of electrical bills and greenhouse emissions without lifting a finger. 

It is a fact that here in Australia, we are blessed with abundant, strong, sunshine. Because of this, solar pool heating will allow you to double the number of months you can swim each in your pool each year.

With Solar pool heating, you can also increase your swimming time zone each day - you can make it early morning or even late evening. 

We also believe that it is our own environmentally duties to harness the free sunshine and convert it into something useful - such as using it to obtain a comfortable swimming temperature.

Solar is both reliable and pollution free. It will produce no greenhouse gas as only the small auxilliary solar circulation pump consumes energy.

In fact, for users of the electric heat pump to the traditional heater, they will produce 25 to 30 times more greenhouse gas compared to the required to power a solar circulation pump.

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