Facts about Solar Energy

Facts about Solar Energy

One of our services here at Sparkrite Electrical is solar PV installation. In fact, we are licensed electrical contractors with accredited grid connect design and installation certificates.

For many of us, we still do not know much about solar power despite it's popularity. It is a truly amazing source of renewable energy. 

The amount of energy from the sun that falls onto our surface is enormous. In fact, all the energy stored that is the Earth's reserves of coal, oil and natural gas is matched by solar energy in just 20 days.

Solar energy is a renewable, clean source of energy which is both sustainable and totally inexhaustible. It is also a non-polluting source of energy as it does not emit any sort of greenhouse gases when producing electricity. In fact, many households who have the average solar rooftop system have said that the amount of energy that is produced from their system can almost supplement their entire energy consumption.

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