Tesla Model X is the SUV of your dreams. With comfortable space for 7 humans and a 580 Km range, this vehicle goes a long way. This model is one of the safest SUV’s out there. With an entire electric body built from ground, the body, chassis, restraints and the supreme battery technology provide a very minimal chance of driver or passenger injury in case of any collision. With a 5-star winner of the overall ANCAP rating, this car has received the highest ratings in the Adult Occupant, Child Occupant, Pedestrian and Safety Assist categories. Tesla Model X has tremendous side impact protection and one of the lowest chances of vehicle roll over among all SUVs. Since there is no internal combustion engine, the crumple zone has greater ability to reduce occupant decelerating in case of any frontal impact. The strength of the central pillar combined with the energy absorbing sill mount of the SUV provide high protection to not only the occupant but also the under-floor battery pack.
This SUV can proudly compete with all sport utility vehicles on the basis of class storage, providing 2487 litres in total. Not only do the falcon wing door give the SUV an attractive look, they also enhance the accessibility to the rear of the car and open up to accommodate the SUV in tight parking spots as they are equipped with sharp sensors that monitor the proximities of surroundings. Experience the freedom of gas less travel across the globe with the convenience of long-distance travel and the far spread Tesla recharging network, with 16000 charging stations across the globe. Various automated safety and convenience features such as autopilot mode to assist you with various challenges aspects of driving.
Stop and recharge the battery while you sip away your coffee.
Book a test drive today!