NQE Greywater System

NQE Greywater System

We recommend our clients to use our very own NQE Greywater System. That way, it does not matter when it comes to water restrictions, you will have an greener and more sustainable water supply for watering your garden and lawn, anytime, day or night - anytime.

Our NQE Grey water System is designed to catch and capture grey water for reuse. This water can come from showers, bathroom taps, laundry taps and washing machines. Our system is designed to replace the need for fresh water in the garden. It also reduces the demands from residential households that are placed on the main water supply.

Our NQE Greywater System functions with the principals of gravity instead of a pump or alternative energy sources. This means that once the system is installed, no ongoing operational and maintenance costs will occur, making it one of the most sustainable grey water systems out there.

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