Safe Doz

Safe Doz is an amazing product. Safe Doz is for storage water disinfection. It is a unique Australian designed product especially for water in rain water tanks. Safe Doz makes rain water safe to use.
Safe Doz uses NADCC ,with a special membrane for sustained release. Safe Doz NADCC is used by WHO(World Health Organization) in their emergency survival kits.
Safe Doz gives effective controlled, continous disinfection.

• Safe Doz Kills all  the Mosquitoes & its larvae
• Safe Doz Controls bacteria & viruses
• Safe DozEliminates Algae
• Safe Doz Removes bad taste & foul odour

There is no need to test concentrations or strengths,with Safe Doz its simple and easy to use,also easy to store and handle.

No mess, no fuss,no guess work

Safe Doz Gives you peace of mind!

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