UPM ProFi Deck

Tree60 Pty Ltd represents UPM’s ProFi range of wood plastic composites in Australia including their flagship product UPM ProFi Deck Plus, an innovative, contemporary and systemised decking solution specifically manufactured for Australian climatic conditions.

UPM is one of the world’s largest forestry companies, employing over 24,000 people and represented in over 70 countries. Their main product offer is self adhesive labels and the development of ProFi Deck is a result of their desire to convert the post industrial waste from this process into a world class innovative building material thus diverting it from being dumped in landfill or incinerated. The carbon footprint is only 0.7kg CO2 per 1kg, with each 1m3 of UPM ProFi Deck containing 10kg of label waste. No rainforest species, chemicals or PVC are used as raw materials or any in the manufacturing process and no VOCs are emitted. UPM ProFi Deck is a totally recycled and recyclable product.

UPM ProFi Deck represents the first of a range of building products to be offered to the market over the next few years utilising this unique resource. UPM ProFi Deck has won multiple innovation and sustainability awards since its market introduction with sales in Europe exceeding all expectations

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