
The property owners have been selected for a Land Care Australia Award (1995) and that have a lot of experience in bush regeneration with projects for the following: -

1. Blue Mountains City Council,

2. Sydney Water,

3. Dept of Public Works,

4. Environmental Protection Authority,

5. National Parks and

6. Wildlife Service

All their staff is completely skilled with experience held by their staff consisting: -

1. First Aid Certificates,

2. Horticulture Certificate,

3. Bush restoration Certificates,

4. Carpentry/Joinery Certificate

5. Chainsaw Safety Certificates,

6. Bushland Weed Control Certificates,

7. Masters Environmental Management,

8. O.H. & S. for Supervisors Certificate,

9. Environmental Management Certificate,

10. Graduate Diploma Environmental Studies,

11. Adv. Certificate in Resource Management,

12. Bachelor App. Science (Environmental Science),

13. Dip. App. Science in Natural Resource Management,

Following are the Works Certificate of clerk: -

1. They have experienced in remote area work, with some of their staff which having abseiling experience.

2. They also have practice in working with fragile environment and culturally considerable areas.

3. They take arrogance in their work with ethics and their assurance to the re-establishment of the normal atmosphere.



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