ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council

The key role of ANZLIC is to promote accessibility to and usability of spatial information.

There can be many barriers to information access such as organisational boundaries between agencies, jurisdictions and nations; lack of consistent information standards; and use of incompatible or inappropriate technologies.

ANZLIC is encouraging development of consistent government policies within Australia and New Zealand to minimise these barriers wherever possible.

ANZLIC is working with all government jurisdictions and the private sector to develop policies and guidelines which adopt international best practice and which are relevant to conditions found by practitioners and users of spatial information in both countries.

ANZLIC is promoting the use of best practice through mechanisms such as the Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure and embedding its use in the practices of both public sector agencies and business enterprises that provide spatial data and services.

Adoption of best practice by the spatial information industry can not only remove barriers to providing better services, but improve the confidence of users that the information they are using is suitable for their needs.

ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council Products

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