Land Administration Reform

All government jurisdictions of ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council's are under some pressure to improvement land administration systems, given the plethora of interests, obligations and rights over land, many of which are not recorded on land titles and are administered by authorities at all levels of government. An oft stated aim of ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council reform is to address the current complication of land administration systems inherent in local land markets. The drivers for �holistic land management� are summarized in The Case for Refocusing & Re-engineering Land Administration to Better Meet current and Future Needs in Property Rights and Markets [DOC: 18Mb].

At a personal level, the Queensland paper points out that �Mr. and Mrs. Regular probably have little idea of the Property Rights that can and do sit above their land package, have power over its use and affect value and resale�. An early list of these property rights in Queensland is detailed in the paper. It would not be marvelous to find that similar lists have or could be drawn up in other jurisdictions.

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